Helping Find The Perfect Schools For Parents & Children

Daniel A - 15 Years old. UK.

Daniel's parents contacted our sister company UK Football Schools as they were looking to find an elite football boarding school where their son could receive a fantastic education but also a program that would help take his football development to the next level, take a look to see their thoughts on the new school he has started at and how UK Football Schools helped them achieve what they was looking for.


Kyle M - 13 Years Old. Turks and Caicos

Kyle's dad - Being from England and working for the Turks and Caicos FA understood that Kyle had to come to the UK to have a chance of becoming a professional footballer one day. This is when Kyle's parents contacted us at UK Football Schools for our advice and help...


Josh M - 12 Years Old. Hong Kong

Josh was finding it difficult to progress his football further in Hong Kong and with a true passion to football, he decided to pursue his footballing journey through our sister company UK Football Schools...


Ethan G - 15 Years old. Sydney, Australia

Watch the video kindly sent to us from Alex, Ethan's Mum. Ethan has had football trials with 3 pro clubs this year and says the decision to use our sister company UK Football Schools to help with his move to the UK was the best decision of his life so far.


Allen K - Australia, 16 Years Old.

Allen attended one of our sister companies UK Football Trials camp in Australia earlier this year, as a young aspiring footballer he and his family looked into opportunities where he could develop in a full time private academy. Since the camp, our 2nd sister company UK Football Schools have helped Allen secure a place at one of Europe's best private football academies for the 2020/21 season, click to find out the thoughts of how his mum found the process...