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Private Boarding Schools In England Facts, Figures and Frequently Asked Questions

Published Saturday 4th of July 2020 11:09 AM

Boarding Schools in England Facts, Figures and Frequently Asked Questions

There are lots of facts, figures and questions people ask about UK boarding schools. Below are some of the main facts, figures and frequently asked questions that we have handpicked to help give you some more general information about private schools in England. 

How many private boarding schools are there in England?

There are approximately 500 private boarding schools in England.

Youngest age for private boarding school in the UK?

Prep school caters for boarders between 7-13 years old, where students sit their "common entrance" exams. Many pupils leave prep schools for senior independent school at aged 11, other independent schools have their own prep schools to help pupils make a seamless transition into senior school.  Some prep schools have a pre-prep school department that takes younger day students. Students are usually age 5 or above but can be as young as 2. The youngest age that children can start boarding in the UK is 7 years of age. In the last twenty years, huge emphasis has been placed on making the modern UK boarding school fantastic environments for young people, with incredible emphasis on child welfare and pastoral care - all the private schools we recommned fall into this category.

What is the best age to start private boarding school in the UK?

This all depends on your child. Some children thrive on the boarding school experience from the age of seven, others wait until they are older with many starting at 11 or 13. 

Is private boarding school beneficial?

Private boarding schools allow children a safe space in which to have greater control and independence over their daily lives and enables them to enjoy all the incredible facilities, activities and opportunities which the schools can provide. Teachers and staff supervise and support but they are unlikely to be over-protective which helps develop confident, independent students. Again, it is a very personal decision for each family but one that the best boardings schools and their staff are delighted to explore with you.

Which is better day school or boarding school?

A day school tends to have more children per class than a boarding school meaning there is less individual attention for each student. The advantages of smaller class sizes and more individual attention is often reflected in the academic attainment, sporting results and high quality musical and arts tuition.

What are the advantages of UK boarding schools?

Boarding school students can focus better on their studies because television, video games, phones and other distractors are limited. These students usually perform better academically because they live in an environment that is conducive to learning according to statistics. 

What are the disadvantages of private boarding school?

No school is perfect, and parents and students considering private boarding schools need to be aware of some potential disadvantages or concerns when being away from home. It is vital that parents select a school well suited to their child - for example, parents should consider whether a school perfroms well in areas where they have a particular interest. In our experience, participating with other like minded pupils and getting high quality teaching/ coaching helps students, settle in, make friends. be successful and most importantly be happy. Clearly, the boarding schools are also more expensive than other options but the potential gains means that most parents see them as a hugely worthwhile investment for their children's future.
