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Top UK boarding schools English language requirements

Top UK boarding schools English language requirements

Published Monday 24th of January 2022 04:41 PM

If you would like more information on this topic or to speak with us directly, please contact us on +44 7878 985564. We are available on the phone, via WhatsApp, or register on our homepage for a free consultation call.

International students, who are from countries where English is not the first language, will need to demonstrate a sufficient level of English to apply for courses at top UK boarding schools. We have put together a quick guide and framework to help you understand the levels that may be needed to secure the offer of a place. 

This post should be used as a broad and informal guide only as each school will set their own admission requirements. The knowledge surrounding English language acquisition is well-developed and there are some general themes that can be drawn using the CEFR standard. It is worth noting that top UK boarding schools will likely require additional tests, potentially including assessments for Maths, Non-verbal reasoning and sometimes subject specific tests.

To be able to understand and complete a course in English, it is important that the current level of English is sufficient to support the objective. As a general guide, we suggest the following to be appropriate target levels to ensure maximum chance of satisfying the English language requirements:


  • A Level  or IB (ages 16-18)- you should aim to be at C1 by the time of application

  • GCSE (ages 14-16) - you should aim to be at B2 (potentially C1 for some top UK boarding schools) by the time of application

  • Lower school (ages 11-14) - you should aim to be at B1 (potentially B2 for some top UK boarding schools) by the time of application


If there is still work to be done on English learning, do not worry as there are a number of top UK boarding schools that have specialist English language learning programmes and courses to help improve your English before progressing onto the courses above. There are even schools dedicated just to this. A good sign is to look for schools that have British Council accreditation for teaching English. The accreditation is not easy to achieve and indicates a school that is excellent for English language acquisition. As ever, if you are unsure as to whether your English level is enough for a UK boarding school, we recommend speaking to an experienced education consultant with significant experience of helping those who have English as a second language. They will be able to help ascertain your current level, both formally and informally, helping you be more informed before making your decision. 

If you are considering UK education but unsure where to begin, allow us to share our knowledge and experience we have with helping over 400 other families choose the best school for them. We can talk you through a suggested list of the best boarding schools in the UK that match your requirements and we are confident you will be pleased with the results. 

Finding the right UK private school is a very important task and one that will shape your child’s future. We do not underestimate the importance of this decision and are confident that we can find the perfect UK boarding school for you and your child, based on your exact needs. 

If you would like more information on this topic or to speak with us directly, please contact us on +44 7878 985564. We are available on the phone, via WhatsApp, or register on our homepage for a free consultation call.

This will enable us to schedule an appointment, where we look forward to speaking in more depth about your specific situation, and helping in any way we can. We look forward to helping you on this journey. 


How we work:

☑ Acting as a trusted friend to support you in the process.

☑ Shortlisting the most appropriate schools and finding schools which cater to specific needs or specialisms.

☑ Discussing what is important to your child and providing bespoke recommendations which will match your needs.

☑ Liaising with the relevant admissions staff and principals.

☑ Preparing your application to ensure it is as strong as possible and tailored to each school.

☑ Preparation for an interview. 

☑ Advice and guidance on admissions processes for top schools or competitive courses.

☑ Informal assessments of current English language level.

☑ Thorough understanding of the UK curriculums.

☑ Cultural advice and factors to consider before finalising a choice.

☑ Practical guidance and support with regards to guardianship.

☑...and much more beyond this.
