Helping Find The Perfect Schools For Parents & Children

Blog Tag Search: goodschoolsuk

Top UK boarding schools and the house system

Top UK boarding schools and the house system

Published Friday 28th of January 2022 06:56 AM
Many top UK boarding schools operate a house system, depending on the size of the school. This is an interesting quirk and is often an interesting point for students who are joining from overseas. In our latest blog, we cover the key points of the boarding house system.
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Top UK boarding schools and Performing Arts

Top UK boarding schools and Performing Arts

Published Thursday 27th of January 2022 12:20 PM
Our clients based around the world, have a range of interests - including those who are looking for a traditional British boarding experience along with provision that allows for continued participation in Performing Arts. In our latest blog, we advise what to look for if looking for a school which is strong in this area.
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Top UK boarding schools English language requirements

Top UK boarding schools English language requirements

Published Monday 24th of January 2022 04:41 PM
International students, who are from countries where English is not the first language, will need to demonstrate a sufficient level of English to apply for courses at top UK boarding schools. We have put together a quick guide and framework to help you understand the levels that may be needed to secure the offer of a place.
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Top UK boarding schools GCSE subject options

Top UK boarding schools GCSE subject options

Published Friday 21st of January 2022 04:48 PM
The curriculum for ages 14-16 in the UK is known as the GCSE curriculum. Students joining from overseas can potentially join this course directly, depending on their prior learning. An experienced education consultant will be able to advise. We have put together a list of potential subjects you can study at GCSE in top UK boarding schools.
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Top UK boarding schools FAQs - Part 3

Top UK boarding schools FAQs - Part 3

Published Wednesday 19th of January 2022 11:37 AM
We return with our regular instalment of FAQs and things we encourage our parents to consider when trying to find top UK boarding schools. Our admissions and teaching experience help our clients focus on what is important and shortlist the schools that will be perfect for them.
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Top UK private schools and BTEC courses

Top UK boarding schools and BTEC courses

Published Monday 17th of January 2022 12:11 PM
You will often find top UK boarding schools provide an additional qualification that sits as an alternative to their A Level or IB provision. Many schools provide the option of studying BTECs between the ages of 16-18. Here is our brief guide to BTECs, how they work and what they mean within the context of top UK boarding schools.
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Top UK boarding schools for tennis

Top UK boarding schools for tennis

Published Friday 14th of January 2022 12:28 PM
We are proud to advise parents around the world on suitable options for top UK boarding schools. One of our strengths is our knowledge of specialist offerings in schools, including tennis programmes for those aspiring to be the next Emma Raducanu or Roger Federer.
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UK boarding school guide

UK boarding school guide

Published Wednesday 12th of January 2022 02:52 PM
One aspect of our service we thoroughly enjoy is explaining all the culture, tradition and finer details of top UK boarding schools and what you can expect when you arrive. UK boarding schools are steeped in tradition and history and they have specific and unusual phrases to describe relevant parts of school life. We have put together a small list of the most commonly used phrases.
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Lacrosse in top UK private schools

Lacrosse in top UK private schools

Published Monday 10th of January 2022 01:16 PM
Although it is not the sport most commonly associated with top UK private schools, there are a surprising number of schools that offer access to participation and top level coaching for Lacrosse.
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Food in top UK private schools

Food in top UK private schools

Published Friday 7th of January 2022 03:55 PM
Whilst it is not always the first thing that springs to mind, the choice and quality of food in top UK private schools is an important consideration and excellent food choices will help in the settling down process. Here is what to look out for when finalising your UK private school search.
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Top UK private school and top UK boarding school holidays

UK private school and UK boarding school holidays

Published Wednesday 5th of January 2022 11:25 AM
Looking ahead to the coming year of 2022, we are excited to be helping clients around the world searching for the best UK boarding schools and best UK private schools. The families we help will often ask about the holiday arrangements, so we’ve put together some of the key information with regards to the academic calendar.
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UK Private School Finder UK Boarding Schools Finder

Best UK boarding schools 2022

Published Monday 3rd of January 2022 10:51 AM
We would like to wish all of our families and partners all the very best for 2022. In the spirit of the new year, we have put together a list of key points that will help you find the best UK boarding schools in 2022.
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Top UK boarding schools application advice

Top UK boarding schools application advice

Published Friday 31st of December 2021 02:24 PM
When trying to find UK boarding schools and UK private schools, you will notice that each school will have slightly different admissions requirements. There are multiple reasons for this and ultimately the best British boarding schools will use a method that suits their culture and ethos. We are proud to help families around the world to navigate the complexities of the application process and to explain in detail why each step is required.
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UK boarding school admissions consultant

Top UK boarding schools for hockey

Published Wednesday 29th of December 2021 09:50 AM
We will often be asked by our clients who have a specific interest in hockey, ‘Which are the best UK boarding schools for hockey?’. Below, we outline some pointers which will help you decide which may be the best UK private school for you.
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UK boarding school fees and UK private school fees

UK boarding school fees and UK private school fees

Published Monday 27th of December 2021 04:16 PM
One perennial question that we are asked by our overseas parents is concerning the fees involved when considering the best UK boarding schools and best UK private schools. With so many options available in the UK, clearly it will be crucial to try and find UK boarding schools that are within your planned budget. The fees listed in this article should be considered indicative, there is a huge amount of variation amongst schools in the sector. This post is for overseas parents who will be considering the best British boarding schools for international students and will likely be selecting full-boarding options with the student requiring a visa to study.
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Admissions tests for top UK boarding schools and top UK private schools

Admissions tests for top UK boarding schools and top UK private schools

Published Wednesday 22nd of December 2021 02:05 PM
Our clients will often ask us about the admissions test requirements for the best UK boarding schools and best UK private schools. This article looks at the requirements for overseas boarding students and what international students can expect from the process.
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Frequently Asked Questions when trying to find UK boarding schools and UK private schools

Frequently Asked Questions when trying to find UK boarding schools and UK private schools - Part 2

Published Monday 20th of December 2021 01:16 PM
In November we posted some of the most frequently asked questions we receive when advising our clients in their search in trying to find UK boarding schools and UK private schools. We are now back with some further commonly asked questions and these should serve as useful pointers to keep in mind. As ever, we recommend speaking to an experienced education counsellor who is familiar with the top UK private schools and the best UK boarding schools who should be able to answer these broad areas for you.
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Top UK boarding schools admission process

Top UK boarding schools admission process

Published Friday 17th of December 2021 11:16 AM
The admission journey for the top UK boarding schools and top UK private schools can be a complicated process - there can be multiple assessments, interviews, timeframes and administrative stages to name a few. You will also find UK boarding schools all set their own individual admissions process, rather than a more standardised route you may find in other fields. Fortunately, our education experts can offer direct experience of the admissions process from the school side along with teaching experience to best help you prepare. Here is what you can expect in your admissions journey, particularly if applying from overseas.
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Best British boarding school location

Published Wednesday 15th of December 2021 10:18 AM
We are proud to help families from all over the world who are trying to find the best British boarding schools and UK private schools. Our clients will often visit the UK only occasionally, either for business or vacation in London - or in some cases they will not have visited the UK at all, especially in the current climate. This is where an experienced and UK based education expert can be vital...
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Best British boarding schools for rugby

Top UK boarding schools for rugby

Published Monday 13th of December 2021 02:36 PM
One of the quintessential sports of the best British boarding schools and best British private schools is the game of rugby. Steeped in history, tradition and prestige - rugby is widely played across independent schools in the UK. However, with so much choice available and the very fact that rugby is so widely popular in UK boarding schools, it can be difficult for you to pinpoint which may be the best British boarding schools for rugby when searching for a top UK private school. We are proud to offer our knowledge and experience for families in such a situation.
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Top UK boarding schools with horse riding

UK boarding schools with horse riding

Published Friday 10th of December 2021 11:52 AM
Did you know it is entirely possible for you to benefit from an outstanding academic education at some of the best UK boarding schools and best UK private schools alongside maintaining an interest in equestrianism and horse riding? Many of our clients contact us when searching for top UK boarding schools and top UK private schools that have access to riding centres, stables and much much more.
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Top UK private school admission advice

Languages taught in top UK private schools and top UK boarding schools

Published Wednesday 8th of December 2021 08:53 AM
When searching for a top UK private school or the best UK boarding schools, you may be wondering what languages are available in addition to English. Many students, especially those from education systems outside of the UK are unfamiliar with the range of languages available and there are more opportunities than you think to be able to study and learn other languages.
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Fees for top UK private schools and top UK boarding schools

Fees for top UK private schools and top UK boarding schools

Published Monday 6th of December 2021 11:34 AM
We help families both in the UK and overseas in their search for top UK private schools and top UK boarding schools. Two common questions we are asked are ‘What are the fees for top UK private schools?’ and ‘What are the fees for top UK boarding schools’. We are also often asked how the fee structures work in schools and how fees are to be paid. These are all questions which we can help provide the answers to.
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Top UK private schools and UK boarding schools for international students

Top UK private schools and UK boarding schools for international students

Published Friday 3rd of December 2021 10:19 AM
We are proud to work with clients both in the UK and overseas. We have supported families across six continents in helping to shortlist, refine and enrol at the top UK private schools and UK boarding schools. One common question asked by our overseas clients is ‘What are the best UK boarding schools for international students?’ or ‘What are the best UK private schools for international students?’. To answer this question, our advice would be to...
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Best UK Boarding Schools and UK Private Schools

Best UK Boarding Schools and UK Private Schools

Published Wednesday 1st of December 2021 10:54 AM
Some of the most frequent questions our clients ask, both in the UK and overseas are ‘Which are the best UK boarding schools?’,  ‘Which are the best UK private schools?’ or ‘Which are the top UK Private schools?’. At UK Private School Finder and UK Boarding Schools Finder, we use our knowledge and experience of the sector to help answer this question for our clients. There are a number of measures you can use to help ascertain the answer, here is what we recommend…
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How to find UK boarding schools

How to find UK boarding schools

Published Monday 29th of November 2021 02:19 PM
UK Private School Finder and UK Boarding Schools Finder specialise in helping parents from around the world shortlist and pinpoint the best schools in the UK that meet their requirements perfectly. Did you know that there are over 2,000 private schools and around 500 of these are boarding schools? It can be difficult to know where to begin your search, which is where we come in…
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University destinations - an alternative measure to rankings in finding the perfect UK boarding school

University destinations - an alternative measure to rankings in finding the perfect UK boarding school

Published Friday 26th of November 2021 09:40 AM
When trying to find UK boarding schools, a long established measure that many international parents will use will be the current exam performance of the school. Most commonly this is referred to as the % A*/A for A Level, IB point average and % 9-7 for GCSE. These are all valid measures of examination attainment although are limited in scope in terms of assessing the overall experience, and most importantly outcomes, of choosing to study in a British boarding school. However, one alternative measure we encourage our clients to consider is
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Find UK boarding school with golf

Find UK boarding school with excellent golf provision? Look no further!

Published Wednesday 24th of November 2021 12:12 PM
In recent years, it has become increasingly common for UK boarding schools to focus on one or two areas of specialism that underpin the wider offering of the school. This most commonly manifests itself as elite programmes or elite academies in specific sports. One such sport which is becoming increasingly popular is golf which is ideal for those that...
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What is the mobile phone policy in UK boarding schools

What is the mobile phone policy in UK boarding schools

Published Monday 22nd of November 2021 01:14 PM
When considering a shortlist of British boarding schools our clients, particularly those with no experience of UK boarding or who live overseas will often wonder how certain elements of everyday boarding life work. One common question we are consistently asked is ‘What is the school’s mobile phone policy?’...
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Five tips for getting into a top British boarding school

Five tips for getting into a top British boarding school

Published Friday 19th of November 2021 10:04 AM
Our overseas clients will often contact us when trying to find a top British boarding school and will want to know what they can do to help prepare and support their applications to top schools in the UK. We have put together five top tips to keep in mind...
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British boarding school core subjects

Why do I need to study English, Maths and Science in the UK?

Published Friday 12th of November 2021 12:55 PM
This is a question often asked by our overseas clients, particularly those looking at top UK boarding schools for students between the ages of 11-16. English, Maths and Science are known as core subjects and in nearly all cases will be compulsory for overseas students joining UK boarding schools. As these subjects are a formal requirement in nearly all independent school settings, the more appropriate question to ask would be...
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Frequently Asked Questions when considering a UK boarding school

Frequently Asked Questions when considering a UK boarding school

Published Tuesday 9th of November 2021 01:42 PM
We find that one of the best ways we can help our clients is by educating them on some of the subtleties and nuances of boarding schools in the UK. The best UK private schools all have a unique identity and atmosphere, and more generally there are several elements of daily life that are unique to independent schooling. We find some of the most common questions that parents ask us to be the following...
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What is the music provision like in boarding schools?

What is the music provision like in boarding schools?

Published Friday 5th of November 2021 02:00 PM
Your individual circumstances will dictate to what extent you may need a school that can offer specialist music provision. We have helped numerous clients who have been looking for the perfect UK boarding school that can offer an excellent academic experience but provide a genuine level of additional support for students who have a passion for their instrument, or perhaps would like to move onto a conservatoire after Sixth Form. One point to keep in mind is that there are numerous opportunities available....
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Life at UK boarding school

A typical week in a British boarding school

Published Wednesday 3rd of November 2021 12:03 PM
A good proportion of the parents we advise have not had experience of life in boarding schools in the UK, we find it highly useful to break down the experience so they know what to expect when they arrive at UK boarding schools. Even for those parents who do have experience of independent schooling, they find it useful for us to convey how the experience at the best UK private schools is now in comparison to years gone by...
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Boarding house common room

Well-being and how to assess the boarding school provision

Published Monday 1st of November 2021 02:51 PM
An absolute prerequisite for the best schools in the United Kingdom is a clear commitment to well-being and genuine investment in overall satisfaction. These are difficult dimensions to quantify and the best UK private schools will list this commitment on various literature and websites. So, how can you go about assessing the provision and applying it to your own requirements? We have a number of recommendations which may help you in constructing your thoughts and how to interpret the level of provision and if it meets your needs.
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Join a top UK boarding school from Year 4 to Year 12

When should you aim to start your UK boarding school journey?

Published Thursday 28th of October 2021 12:34 PM
When considering your boarding school in the UK, it can be confusing to understand all the different entry points available. Joining UK boarding schools for Year 10 for GCSE and Year 12 for A Level are common entry points, but many parents are not aware that this is just a proportion of entry points on offer at UK private schools...
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Get a place in a top UK school and start in January

Getting a place in a top UK boarding school in January

Published Tuesday 26th of October 2021 12:19 PM
For boarding schools in the UK the school academic year runs from September through to August, which is not dissimilar to much of the world. However, you may not be aware that it is possible to secure a place at UK top schools that permit starting in January and offer flexible entry points to the world of independent schooling...
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How to choose the location of your top UK school

What to consider when choosing the location of your UK boarding school?

Published Sunday 24th of October 2021 12:44 PM
One often overlooked factor when considering boarding schools in the UK is the geographical location and the relative importance this should play in the decision making process...
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Do you prefer IB or A Level? Which is better for your future?

UK Top Schools - The difference between A Level and IB and which is best for you? Our expert comments!

Published Wednesday 20th of October 2021 02:57 PM
One often underreported challenge when searching for boarding schools in the UK, is understanding the difference between the A Level and IB curriculums and the respective strengths of each....
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Over 400 families assisted with UK independent schooling

Over 400 families secure the perfect school with help from UK private school finder and partners

Published Monday 18th of October 2021 10:51 AM
Here at UK Private Schools finder, we pride ourselves on offering tailored, bespoke advice in helping to pinpoint and shortlist the best UK private schools. Whether you are considering boarding schools in the UK, private schools in London or any form of independent schooling - we are here to help by sharing our knowledge and experience....
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Joining a UK school in January is possible

Did you know that it is not too late to join a school in the UK? January intakes explained.

Published Friday 15th of October 2021 11:52 AM
It is not widely known outside of the UK, but many boarding schools in the UK will consider your application to begin in January 2022, provided you know which school to shortlist and that those schools are the correct match for your child. UK boarding schools, private schools in London and many of the other top UK schools have the option for what is known as a ‘January’ intake, such as Queen Ethelburga’s College. A January intake could be ideal for a number of scenarios...
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Looking for Boarding Schools in the UK? We have the best UK Private Schools!

Published Monday 11th of October 2021 02:20 PM
Searching for UK boarding schools can be a huge challenge and without expert guidance it is very hard to know where to start. Google searches on independent schools bring up thousands of results, there are hundreds of school websites to go through and the process can be stressful and time consuming.
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