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Top UK private schools and BTEC courses

Top UK boarding schools and BTEC courses

Published Monday 17th of January 2022 12:11 PM

If you would like more information on this topic or to speak with us directly, please contact us on +44 7878 985564. We are available on the phone, via WhatsApp, or register on our homepage for a free consultation call.

You will often find top UK boarding schools provide an additional qualification that sits as an alternative to their A Level or IB provision. Many schools provide the option of studying BTECs between the ages of 16-18. Here is our brief guide to BTECs, how they work and what they mean within the context of top UK boarding schools. 

The acronym BTEC stands for Business and Technology Education Council. BTECs are often qualifications that workers will take on the job and can often be vocational in nature. They cater for students who know they like a specific sector but perhaps haven’t decided what particular job they would like to do. Some of the subjects top UK boarding schools offer BTECs in are:


  • Art and Design

  • Business Studies

  • IT

  • Sport

  • Travel and Tourism


You may find some top UK boarding schools offer one or two additional BTEC subjects. Most often, the type of BTEC offered in top UK boarding schools are referred to as BTEC Nationals. This generally means they are a Level 3 qualification - the equivalent of A Levels. BTEC curriculums are flexible in nature, which means they can often be combined with 1 A Level. For example, we have previously helped students who have chosen to take BTEC Sport and Business Studies A Level. Depending on your chosen University, BTEC qualifications may be accepted. Alternatively, a student may choose to be exclusively BTEC during their studies. 

BTECs are an option that are often chosen if traditional learning is not optimum for you. A BTEC course may include some of the following assessment methods:


  • Creating a video

  • Creating a piece of art

  • Delivering a presentation

  • Creating a business plan

  • Group work

  • Easily manageable coursework units


It is worth remembering that not all Universities will consider BTEC qualifications. As always, we recommend speaking to an experienced education expert to establish your aims and objectives and they can talk through if a BTEC is right for you. In some cases, a BTEC is an incredible option but it is important to know the full details as to what these entail. At UK private school finder and UK boarding schools finder, we will only work with schools who fully understand the BTEC pathway and have the necessary experience and resources to plan for the next steps after graduation from the school. 

If you are considering UK education but unsure where to begin, allow us to share our knowledge and experience we have with helping over 400 other families choose the best school for them. We can talk you through a suggested list of the best boarding schools in the UK that match your requirements and we are confident you will be pleased with the results. Finding the right UK private school is a very important task and one that will shape your child’s future. We do not underestimate the importance of this decision and are confident that we can find the perfect UK boarding school for you and your child, based on your exact needs. 

If you would like more information on this topic or to speak with us directly, please contact us on +44 7878 985564. We are available on the phone, via WhatsApp, or register on our homepage for a free consultation call.

This will enable us to schedule an appointment, where we look forward to speaking in more depth about your specific situation, and helping in any way we can. We look forward to helping you on this journey. 


How we work:

☑ Acting as a trusted friend to support you in the process.

☑ Shortlisting the most appropriate schools and finding schools which cater to specific needs or specialisms.

☑ Discussing what is important to your child and providing bespoke recommendations which will match your needs.

☑ Liaising with the relevant admissions staff and principals.

☑ Preparing your application to ensure it is as strong as possible and tailored to each school.

☑ Preparation for an interview. 

☑ Advice and guidance on admissions processes for top schools or competitive courses.

☑ Informal assessments of current English language level.

☑ Thorough understanding of the UK curriculums.

☑ Cultural advice and factors to consider before finalising a choice.

☑ Practical guidance and support with regards to guardianship.

☑...and much more beyond this.
