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UK Boarding Schools, Private Boarding Schools, Best Boarding Schools in the UK

UK Private School Finder Is Born

Published Wednesday 8th of July 2020 09:47 AM

UK Private School Finder is born

First of all, the decision to send your child sometimes half way across the world to a UK private school is a huge decision and sometimes daunting. We are here to help you every step of the way and to help guide you in your decisions. The choice of independent school will have a huge impact on your child in terms of not only their education but their development of talents and their general enjoyment and happiness. It is also a huge financial investment and we are very aware that if you, or we, get this decision wrong it can be a disaster but if you get it right it can be the making of a child. It’s a huge decision and I want to reassure you that for all these reasons advising parents on the right school is a responsibility we take very seriously.

If you are entrusting us to help with this decision you deserve to briefly know a little about us and our backgrounds and I want to emphasize the fact that we are going to be transparent throughout this blog post with you.

We built our company by being transparent and we know the people who are fortunate enough to be able to afford private school fees are usually very successful and astute, so it’s our policy to be completely straight with all our clients on how we operate.

We have visited every single UK private school we work with many, many times and we know all the important school contacts very, very well forging excellent relations with the admissions offices. We have branched out from football specialist private schools following increasing requests from parents who had other children or friends with children looking for schools which weren’t football specialist. We found that the methods we use for football schools works equally well for schools in general and we use the same principles to make suggestions for UK Private School Finder.

You’re probably wondering how we came across this problem which you're probably facing yourselves at the moment. Our sister company runs five-day football training and trial camps at a beautiful college down in Sussex. And after the events, the parents were very impressed with the level of coaching and the itinerary we ran for the players. Several parents asked us whether there were any schools which ran football programmes similar to those they had experienced at our camp. This is when we realised there was a need for our business so we launched our 2nd company UK Football Schools which helps players and parents find the UK's best private schools for football and education. 

Using our guiding principles and shortlist we have placed in just under two years approximately 200 pupils into schools. Out of those 200, just six have left with 3 of the six down to homesickness. When you consider that the vast majority of these are coming from overseas, from lots of different continents, Africa, Asia, North America, Australia, all of these different places, with different backgrounds and cultures, we are very proud of that record.

After the success of UK Football Schools and gaining a great reputation, we are now here launching a 3rd business in UK Private School Finder. Just like UK Football Schools we have lots of parents enquiring and asking us about other schools which specialise in areas such as performing arts, music and also other sports such as hockey, rugby and many others. So, we have made it our business to research all of the individual subjects and have partnered with even more fantastic schools to be able to offer a wide variety of private schools in whatever subject is chosen. This is how UK Private School Finder was born and we sincerely hope we can help you on your journey. 
