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How Can UK Private School Finder Work For You For Free?

Published Wednesday 8th of July 2020 09:55 AM

What’s in it for UK Private School Finder?

In our previous blogs we spoke about the importance of being straight with our clients with all our businesses built upon the pillars of honesty, ethics and transparency. We wanted to give you full disclosure as to how we work as we are sure you are wondering “what’s in it for them?”

This is the most common question and pops up in almost every conversation when speaking with parents/carers.

The first thing to say is that the fees for UK boarding schools we work with vary from £30,000 to £50,000 per year. They are expensive but if you are lucky enough to afford them, we firmly believe they represent an incredible investment for your child.

In terms of how we operate, unlike the majority of education agents, we do not charge you for a consultation call. We do have chargeable "optional extras" but our primary source of revenue is through commissions paid to us direct by the schools we recommend. It is common for private schools to pay commissions but we do not, unlike some others, charge you anything for our standard services. We are confident enough to do the work for you and take the risk that our recommendations will be good enough that many of you will want to enrol at the schools we suggest. If you are wondering why the schools pay agents’ commissions, it is because quite simply we save them vast amounts of marketing money where schools might have to fly round the world visiting education fairs with no guarantee of getting results. So, in essence we do the recruitment for the schools.

I can also categorically state that our recommendations and ongoing reputation are based on providing recommendations that delight you and that your fees do NOT increase as a result of using our services. Indeed, there are multiple benefits of using our relationships and leverage with schools in terms of preferential placement and potential scholarships that we can source for you. I hope that provides you with reassurance and an explanation as to why we ask people to agree to list us as the education agent if and when you decide to enrol.

The next point to make is that schools like to work with us because we specialise in niche talents. If a school is very strong in a certain area like for example drama, if we find them talented actors and actresses, they will be assets to the school.

So, when we do this, the vast majority of the time we achieve a WIN-WIN-WIN scenario. You are delighted because you have a perfectly tailored, extensively researched and thought through school option, where your child can thrive and be happy, the school are delighted as they aren’t just getting a pupil, they usually get a pupil who will be an asset to one of their specialist areas and we are obviously happy because we get a commission and everyone else is happy! 

Hopefully this does explain why we do stipulate that if you use our services you list us as the education agent, we hope you agree it is fair and quite simply, if you didn’t do this we couldn’t exist unless we greatly increased the fees we charge you – which we clearly don’t want to do. 

We hope you now understand how the model works and if you are interested in finding a school for your child/ children, please don't hesitate in putting us to work!
