Helping Find The Perfect Schools For Parents & Children
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Why Choose UK Private School Finder?

Published Wednesday 8th of July 2020 10:12 AM

Why use UK Private Schools Finder?

You want to send your child to a private boarding school in the UK. But which one should you choose? That is the single most difficult question to answer. Do you choose the one with the best website, (which may not necessarily be a great school), or do you choose one in a specific location, or a prestigious school with famous alumni or a more friendly one which you feel your child would enjoy more?

These and many more questions are often extremely difficult to answer. Here at UK Private School Finder, we run a sister company called UK Football Schools, which has been extremely successful at placing the right student in the right school, with outstanding feedback from both parents and the schools. But not everyone has a passion for football!

We were asked many times if we could recommend a boarding school for siblings or friends of the students we placed, as they had great difficulty in deciding where to send them. So, we decided to do our own research. After visiting many schools and a considerable amount of effort, we are confident we have achieved an in-depth knowledge of a number of schools who we believe are at the top of the range in terms of academic excellence and both sporting and extracurricular activities like Music Art and Drama.

We are different in that we specialise in finding an independent school that specifically fits your child, bearing in mind their particular interests, talents or academic ability. We believe that by speaking to you at length about what YOU want from a school for YOUR child, we can find a school that will be delighted to have your child, and where your child will flourish. So, for instance, if you want a great school for Hockey, or Music, or which has a fantastic Science lab, or even a combination of all three, we will find a school for you that fits the bill. That is what we do.

We also believe customer service in this situation is tremendously important.  We care about you and the choice you make, and we look forward to assisting you with every step of your journey.
